Fubble’S Slave
Fubble walks around the house eating something. Booker is trying to catch a metal object that is on top of a shelf and cannot reach. Ask for help to others, but Fubble is eating and doesn’t care. All the glumpers make a human tower and Booker can reach to the metal object. Then they lose their balance and the object falls on the foot of Fubble who goes to hospital and back with his foot in plaster. From that moment all Glumpers act as slaves and do everything for Fubble: make dinner, homework, washing clothes ... until they realize that Fubble is faking and he can walk perfectly.
Fubble’S Slave
Fubble’S Slave
Fubble walks around the house eating something. Booker is trying to catch a metal object that is on top of a shelf and cannot reach. Ask for help to others, but Fubble is eating and doesn’t care. All the glumpers make a human tower and Booker can reach to the metal object. Then they lose their balance and the object falls on the foot of Fubble who goes to hospital and back with his foot in plaster. From that moment all Glumpers act as slaves and do everything for Fubble: make dinner, homework, washing clothes ... until they realize that Fubble is faking and he can walk perfectly.
