The Final Method
The Glumpers are having breakfast in the kitchen when suddenly the ground is sinking under the feet of Fubble who falls into the basement. Gobo takes Fubble to the bathroom and makes him get on the scale. The scale marks the maximum weight, with so much pressure that the needle shoots of the scale and shatters. Gobo encourages Fubble to do some sport and puts a sandwich t ied to a stick in his head like a carrot. Fubble tries to catch it with his mouth, and when doing is making abdominals impulsively.
The Final Method
The Final Method
The Glumpers are having breakfast in the kitchen when suddenly the ground is sinking under the feet of Fubble who falls into the basement. Gobo takes Fubble to the bathroom and makes him get on the scale. The scale marks the maximum weight, with so much pressure that the needle shoots of the scale and shatters. Gobo encourages Fubble to do some sport and puts a sandwich t ied to a stick in his head like a carrot. Fubble tries to catch it with his mouth, and when doing is making abdominals impulsively.
